Kick-started with the last project, my sewing life is revived. A couple of small adjustment, not really worth blogging separately about, yet, those make me very happy as finally, some of old ideas are coming to life, like...
This is the story of success and failure. After 1.5 years comes the first full project - The Perfect Pant #2, I will call them the Scarlet Pants.
For those who care: read about how this came to life in this morning...
Back in action and it feels great!
My last project, a peplum top, is dated August 2012. Wow... Actually, I am shocked! I thought it was about a year, but this is more than a year and a half for a completed project......
I haven't sewn ANYTHING for ages, having only fixed a couple of things, my workshop became a storage space/laundry room, and it makes me feel very sad to see my sewing machine abandoned in the corner... Yet this new...
What? First post since April and it is a sale???? Well. folks, yes! Been very busy working and literally no free time to spend with the family, let alone myself and my sewing workshop. Until now, and again clearance must...
‘The eternal can only last if it stays up to date at the same time. For this reason the jacket is eternal.’ Karl Lagerfeld on Chanel’s classic jacket.
Coco Chanel's original little black jacket, was inspired by the jacket...
Have you heard the expression "true love never dies"? Of course you have, and it is as true as the fact that a true addiction never dies either. No, I am not back sewing, and yes, this is another Burda picks post. In...
Happy New Year everyone! Long time no hear... I personally hate blog posts starting like this. "Yeah yeah yeah", I always think, "just get down to business, nobody cares that you had no time to blog- in fact, you better...
The last issue of the year from Burda Style magazine, in my opinion, is finally worth buying.
Lovely models, young and funky looking, yet with a classic timeless twist. Just what I always look for in clothes. And as...